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Monday, January 22, 2007

Facelift, Rhytidectomy, Face Lift : Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Philippines

Facelift, Rhytidectomy, Face Lift : Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Philippines
by Dr P Lorenzo


Rhytidectomy or commonly known as Facelift can reduce and address the sagging skin, deep cheek folds, and jowls at the lower part of the jaw of the face and neck, making these areas more youthful in appearance. We Plastic surgeons usually divide the face into 3 general parts, the upper, mid and the lower 3rd. Aging affects these areas of the face in different way. At the upper third, there is the transverse line of the forehead and the glabellar frown line. Middle 3rd you would note the deepening of the Nasolabial folds, sagging of the cheek skin and hallowing of the suborbital area. And at the lower third there are the jowls, marionette lines and the platismal bands at the neck-mandible area. Due to aging and other multifactorial cause, the support structure and skin of the face loosen.

Face lift or mini face lift surgery is a procedure that would resuspend or reposition the soft tissue of the face to obtain a youthful appearance. The scars from the incision lines are mostly hidden within the hairline or within normal lines of the face and neck, making it inconspicuous once it matures. This is usually performed, either under local or general anesthesia depending on the extent of the face lift procedure and usually requires a short hospital stay for patient undergoing a full face lift. The patient will experience some temporary skin discoloration, swelling and a certain amount of tightness or numbness in the face and ears that usually resolve after 7 to 10 days. Healing takes time and is gradual, so be patient and expect several weeks or months for optimal results.

Cosmetic procedure either surgical or non surgical are very cheap and affordable in the Philippines when compared to other western countries like the United State (USA), United Kingdom and Canada. Because of this a lot of prospective clients that are very much interested in physical enhancement could avail the services of certified and fully trained Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon at a much lower cost. Since physical enhancement is your prime objective. Cost or Price should not be your main consideration, but your Surgeon's qualification, training and experience should be your priority. Give time and effort in knowing your Surgeon.

Patient safety and quality results is our priority. Take the opportunity to discuss all your options with our certified Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon for free. With a very affordable cosmetic surgery procedure packages, while having your vacation in the Philippines. Any cosmetic plastic procedure could be a worthwhile and extraordinary experience for both the patient and surgeon, if this is done in the light of surgical standards in term of safety. In order for you to attain the best results for the procedure you are interested without compromising your safety and health, we advice you to bring up all your concerns to a Certified Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon with proper qualification and training in the field of Cosmetic/Aesthetic Surgery.

Dr Peregrino Lorenzo VII is a certified Filipino Plastic Surgeon, underwent years of formal training in Cosmetic / Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery under the supervision of US trained Plastic Surgeons. He has extensive experience and exposure in Cosmetic Plastic Surgery. Dr P Lorenzo specializes in cosmetic surgery such as Brow lift, face lift, eye bag removal, blepharoplasty, nose lift, nose job, alar trimming, ear surgery, otoplasty, chin augmentation, check, malar augmentation, dimple creation, hair transplant, double eye lid surgery, slit eye surgery, breast enlargement, breast augmentation, breast enhancement, breast reduction, breast lifting, mastopexy, breast reconstruction, nipple reconstruction, nipple reduction, liposuction, liposculpturing, tummy tuck, abdominoplasty, buttocks augmentation, butt lift, arm lift, thigh lift, Botox, dermal filler, chemical peel, dermabrasion, sclerotherapy, spider vein. For more information you may visit or email us at

Disclaimer: "Webmasters are free to reprint this article provided that it is not edited, the author's information is included, and the links are included as live links."

About the Author
Author: Dr Peregrino R Lorenzo VII Plastic Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgeon Certified and fully trained Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon, with 6 years of formal training in the field of Aesthetic, Reconstructive and Burn Plastic Surgery.

Resource box text: "Dr P Lorenzo is the author of , a free guide to affordable cosmetic plastic procedures, choosing the right surgeon and safety tips in cosmetic p
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How You Can Avoid Acne Playing Havoc With Your Pregnancy

How You Can Avoid Acne Playing Havoc With Your Pregnancy
by Louise Forrest

You have just been given some great news and are completely blown away. You are pregnant and delighted beyond words. Now you can have the baby you have been longing for! Your mind goes into overdrive as you visualize all that you are going to do with your baby.

It will take a little time to come back to earth and realize that you have plenty to get through before your baby becomes a reality. There is another life taking shape in your body, and it is going to take its toll in more ways than one. You can expect to go through a number of changes, many of which will not be particularly pleasant. Remember that your life is going to change in several ways, the baby is just one part of it.

You will have to endure pregnancy and all the physical and emotional changes that come with it for nine long months. Through all this time, you are going to have to take care of two people, yourself and the baby that has given you so much joy. No matter how well you think you are prepared, you are in for a few surprises and they may not all be pleasant ones. Like for example acne.

Slow down it is only acne. Acne is one such surprise that may catch you off guard in your present mood, possibly somewhat similar to euphoria. You are probably watching yourself carefully; keen to spot signs of the new you that you feel must surely be evident by now. Should acne worry you all that much? Not really, acne should not be a cause of much worry.

Acne spoiling your party? What you see is probably the last thing that you would expect. Is that a spot right there on your forehead? Look a little closer and you will probably find more. Well, like it or not, you are looking at acne, one of the grim realities of the happy state of pregnancy. Just when you thought had the world at your feet, you come face to face, quite literally, with acne. As if you have not got enough to deal with already.

Acne bring back painful memories? Your mind goes back to your adolescent years and your struggle to get past the acne that troubled you as a teenager. It was certainly a relief to beat your acne problem at the time. Little did you know that acne would haunt you again. But do relax, there is no need to worry, look at all that you have to be happy about.

After all, you did know that having a baby would change your life forever. Now the best thing you can do is to look after yourself so that you have a safe and comfortable pregnancy, with a healthy and happy baby at the end of it.

Keep your spirits up and your acne can wait. Do not let your acne upset you too much. It is a very small part of all the experiences that you are going to have as a mother to be. Much more important is the fact that because you are pregnant, there maybe certain medications etc. that could have harmful effects on your unborn child.

These include estrogen and isotretinoin, both of which can cause birth defects. Other preparations you should avoid are retinoids such as tazarotene, adapalene and tretinoin, often used as skin ointments, particularly if you are planning to breastfeed your baby. Other substances that could have harmful effects are oral tetracycline, minocycline and doxycycline, which have been associated with damaging permanent teeth and retarding healthy bone development. Home remedies may perhaps be the best bet to treat acne and the least harmful way of treating acne

Do not let your acne consume you. Live as normal a life as possible and remember that it is not unusual for acne to develop at any time during your pregnancy. While bathing and washing, it is always better to use a mild soap, which is easy on sensitive skin. Take care to dry your skin gently but thoroughly. Remember that too much cleansing will create new problems by irritating your skin. Make sure you get enough exercise and have a nutritious diet.

As long as you observe these few simple rules, you should be just fine. Do not get too obsessed with your acne, there is no reason why you should not have a normal pregnancy. Take it easy and you will find that acne problem will settle down in due course. Keep smiling!

About the Author
Keep YOURSELF looking and feeling great with these great Free Beauty Tips from Natural Elements. In just seconds you can access over 36 beauty topics that will keep you looking younger and more radiant. You can now get the very latest information on Acne Skin Care by subscribing with RSS
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How You Can Avoid Acne Playing Havoc With Your Pregnancy

How You Can Avoid Acne Playing Havoc With Your Pregnancy
by Louise Forrest

You have just been given some great news and are completely blown away. You are pregnant and delighted beyond words. Now you can have the baby you have been longing for! Your mind goes into overdrive as you visualize all that you are going to do with your baby.

It will take a little time to come back to earth and realize that you have plenty to get through before your baby becomes a reality. There is another life taking shape in your body, and it is going to take its toll in more ways than one. You can expect to go through a number of changes, many of which will not be particularly pleasant. Remember that your life is going to change in several ways, the baby is just one part of it.

You will have to endure pregnancy and all the physical and emotional changes that come with it for nine long months. Through all this time, you are going to have to take care of two people, yourself and the baby that has given you so much joy. No matter how well you think you are prepared, you are in for a few surprises and they may not all be pleasant ones. Like for example acne.

Slow down it is only acne. Acne is one such surprise that may catch you off guard in your present mood, possibly somewhat similar to euphoria. You are probably watching yourself carefully; keen to spot signs of the new you that you feel must surely be evident by now. Should acne worry you all that much? Not really, acne should not be a cause of much worry.

Acne spoiling your party? What you see is probably the last thing that you would expect. Is that a spot right there on your forehead? Look a little closer and you will probably find more. Well, like it or not, you are looking at acne, one of the grim realities of the happy state of pregnancy. Just when you thought had the world at your feet, you come face to face, quite literally, with acne. As if you have not got enough to deal with already.

Acne bring back painful memories? Your mind goes back to your adolescent years and your struggle to get past the acne that troubled you as a teenager. It was certainly a relief to beat your acne problem at the time. Little did you know that acne would haunt you again. But do relax, there is no need to worry, look at all that you have to be happy about.

After all, you did know that having a baby would change your life forever. Now the best thing you can do is to look after yourself so that you have a safe and comfortable pregnancy, with a healthy and happy baby at the end of it.

Keep your spirits up and your acne can wait. Do not let your acne upset you too much. It is a very small part of all the experiences that you are going to have as a mother to be. Much more important is the fact that because you are pregnant, there maybe certain medications etc. that could have harmful effects on your unborn child.

These include estrogen and isotretinoin, both of which can cause birth defects. Other preparations you should avoid are retinoids such as tazarotene, adapalene and tretinoin, often used as skin ointments, particularly if you are planning to breastfeed your baby. Other substances that could have harmful effects are oral tetracycline, minocycline and doxycycline, which have been associated with damaging permanent teeth and retarding healthy bone development. Home remedies may perhaps be the best bet to treat acne and the least harmful way of treating acne

Do not let your acne consume you. Live as normal a life as possible and remember that it is not unusual for acne to develop at any time during your pregnancy. While bathing and washing, it is always better to use a mild soap, which is easy on sensitive skin. Take care to dry your skin gently but thoroughly. Remember that too much cleansing will create new problems by irritating your skin. Make sure you get enough exercise and have a nutritious diet.

As long as you observe these few simple rules, you should be just fine. Do not get too obsessed with your acne, there is no reason why you should not have a normal pregnancy. Take it easy and you will find that acne problem will settle down in due course. Keep smiling!

About the Author
Keep YOURSELF looking and feeling great with these great Free Beauty Tips from Natural Elements. In just seconds you can access over 36 beauty topics that will keep you looking younger and more radiant. You can now get the very latest information on Acne Skin Care by subscribing with RSS
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What Are The Treatment Options Available to Reduce The Appearance of Scars?

What Are The Treatment Options Available to Reduce The Appearance of Scars?
by Louise Forrest

Whether you know it or not, you probably have scars throughout your body. Some may be visible, whilst others are hidden from the naked eye. They come in all different variations and there are a variety of different treatment options to successfully reduce their appearance.

The ones which do not show up on the body are not really a problem. However, the ones that are on show for all to see are the ones which cause most people problems. Scars do not hurt, and they do not cause any medical damage, however they can cause the people who have them, a lot of mental anxiety and stress. Some people are so embarrassed by their scars, that they take drastic measures to cover them up as best as they can. In fact, most people with scars that are visible for all to see are desperate to have surgery to remove them.

However, whilst there may be several advertisements on the television and especially upon the internet, no treatment fully gets rid of scars. You can drastically reduce their appearance, but overall it is impossible to get rid of them completely. So what options are there available and just how much will the scars fade?

Treatment Options Available

You really should not have a problem when trying to find treatments to reduce the appearance of your scars. There are literally hundreds of products out there all claiming to work. The tricky part is actually finding one that does work, and that is not just spinning out lies to trick you into spending money!

Here are a few treatment options which most people have found to work:


Creams are readily available at your local drug store and there are quite a few to choose form. However, there are some which people recommend over others. Scarzone cream has been said to work and so does vitamin K. If you have darker skin, cocoa butter seems to work quite well too. Another good one which people recommend is Palmers skin Success Fade Cream. It contains vitamin E and many people have found it helpful.

There has also been a fairly recent product which a lot of people are raving about. That is Bio Oil. Bio Oil is oil which is used to treat stretch marks and scars. The results do take a while to work, but it does actually work. However, everyones skin is different and so you may have to wait a few months and if you do not see any results, change products until you find one which does work for you.


Some people even use capsules to help their scars to fade. However, they do not swallow the capsules; they break them open and spread the liquid onto the scar. A good example is vitamin E. Many doctors give this out and you can also find them at your local drug store. It does get a little messy once you are spreading it over your scar, however some people swear by it and say that over time, their scar is now almost completely gone. Cod liver oil capsules have also been used, though it has not been proven whether or not that works yet.


Whilst surgery is an option which many people seem to think is better, it can sometimes actually make a scar look longer. All surgery leaves a new scar which takes up to two years to mature, so the results will not be instant. However, it can change the shape of the existing scar and reduce the appearance of it quite a lot. All in all though surgery is perhaps not the best answer!

Laser Surgery

If you have a red scar then laser surgery may be able to help fade the appearance of it. Generally it is thought that by removing the top layer of skin, the scar will flatten in appearance. It does work to reduce the appearance of scars, however it can be expensive.

Overall, scars fade naturally over time, however if you really are unhappy there are several treatments available for you, the cheapest being creams. However, the very cheap option is to simply wear clothes to cover them up. Wear a long sleeve or wear a hat if you are worried about a scar on your head. This is definitely the cheapest way to go about covering up your scar!

If you do want to have them drastically reduced, laser surgery may be the answer, but before you agree to anything it is always better to talk to your doctor or dermatologist.

About the Author
Keep YOURSELF looking and feeling great with these great Free Beauty Tips from Natural Elements. In just seconds you can access over 36 beauty topics that will keep you looking younger and more radiant. You can now get the very latest information on Treatment For Scars by subscribing with RSS
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In And Out Of Pregnancy With Easy And Quick Preg-Weight Loss

In And Out Of Pregnancy With Easy And Quick Preg-Weight Loss
by Jackson Charles Neshah

I wrote this article because I am sure you'd like to avoid gaining weight in the wrong places during pregnancy. What you would rather like is to be healthy gaining weight only in the right places.

So that you can have an easy labor, a safe delivery and lose your pregnancy weight quickly afterwards. You also don't want stretch marks, fatigue and all the misery associated with pregnancy.

If I am right about you on all the above, then this is the best article you will read about pregnancy and you, especially if your are newly pregnant and starting to become anxious about the changes taking place both inside and on your body:

* Why are you feeling nauseous in the mornings and most of the time? * What amount of weight is normal? Am I gaining weight too fast? * What exercises are healthy for you? * What should you do to gain weight only your my tummy? * What types of food should you eat? What types should you not eat? * Oh your stomach, will it ever go back to normal? * Will you have stretch marks, sagging breasts and cellulite? * Will your pregnancy mask ever go away? * How do you ensure that you have an easy delivery? * Is there anything you can do now to hasten your pregnancy weight * loss afterwards?


Well, well, well, you are not alone in the pregnancy tight spot. Many women have gone through child bearing without being able to find answers to the above questions. They went though child bearing in unnecessary pregnancy misery. You sure don't want that, do you?

While most of these mothers wallowed in their misery of pains and nauseous, the last things that crossed their minds were proper exercises and guided nutrition.

So they ended up eating wrongly and being sedentary throughout their pregnancies, thereby accumulating unnecessary pregnancy weight, being unfit for easy child birth.


They knew nothing about how to gain weight only in their tummy during pregnancy, and to shade same after delivery. Some of them will be so bloated and turn to using dangerous diet regimen and unhealthy exercise to try to correct the excess weight gain to their own detriment.


But you can stay in shape even during pregnancy. It is not a hard thing to do. There are programs online that will help you take your fitness, weight and shape during and after delivery of your healthy baby, into your own hands.

The good ones of these online pregnancy programs will turn you into a shapely sexy expectant mother, by guiding you on nutrition and appropriate exercise, because a pregnant woman is a special person for whom every consideration is made for two.

So, do not wallow in pregnancy misery, become learned about all that will make you comfortable during and after pregnancy. You can find all the information online.

About the Author
Neshah writes for your sound health - He recommends Preg Without Pounds. Preg Weight control or Easy Pregnancy Weightloss for all the information necessary for pregnancy without tears.
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Monday, January 01, 2007

25 Signs You May Be Pregnant

by Dustin Cannon

A pregnancy sign may be as clear as having medically or technologically proven affirmation of a pending birth or it may be as unclear as a feeling of being with child. A pregnancy sign may be one of 25 indications. Here is the list of the various pregnancy signs.

The first indication that you might be pregnant is if you have missed a menstrual period. This indicator is not a sure pregnancy sign, as a missed period could be caused by stress, ill health or the onset of menopause. Another indicator is if the period is just unusual - longer, shorter, heavy, or lighter.

You might just feel like you are pregnant, or you might be experiencing nausea or vomiting not apparently caused by anything else. Commonly referred to as morning sickness it doesn't necessarily occur in the early hours of the day.

Your attitude towards and desire for sexual intercourse may change when you become pregnant. You could realize a heightened enjoyment or an abatement of desire. Either could be indications that a hormonal change is going on in your body due to a pregnancy.

Another pregnancy sign occurs in your breasts, which may become larger or sore, especially in the first trimester. You might also find what are known as Montgomery's Tubercules on the aureole of your nipples. These are raised bumps that look like goose bumps. These occur during pregnancy.

You may find yourself urinating more often as the baby pushes on your bladder, and the tale that women have strange food cravings during pregnancy is true as well. While not all pregnant women go around eating gallons of ice cream and jars of pickles, nearly 70 of moms to be do actually have cravings that range from longings for foods they dont normally eat to intense need for a particular taste immediately. Sometimes the cravings are the body's way of letting the pregnant woman know her body and her baby need the nutrients. At other times it's simply a craving for one of the few things she can enjoy and keep down during the morning sickness phase.

Your skin can give you several indicators that you may be pregnancy, including stretch marks and increased sweating, hair growth in unusual places, thinning of your nails or accelerated nail growth and something called linea negra. This latter is a light brown line appearing on your skin and extending from your navel to your pubic bone. You might also suffer from an acne outbreak or spider veins.

Found in 65 percent of Caucasian mothers to be, spider veins are generally found on the face, chest, neck, legs and arms. An increased level of estrogen is the cause. The raised star shaped blue veins usually fade after the baby is born. Estrogen increase can also make the palms of your hands turn red and mottled. If you are Caucasian you are likely to see this, while only 1/3 of African-American women experiencing this pregnancy sign.

While a positive pregnancy test is only a probable indicator that you are pregnant, the three definite pregnancy indicators are ultrasound, X-ray and fetal heart sounds.

About the Author
Dustin Cannon is owner of and writes on a variety of subjects. To learn more about this topic Dustin recommends you visit: The Miracle Within
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Pregnancy Health - Maintaining Yourself

by Apurva Shree

Pregnancy brings in joy with the ever-increasing waistline, pains and aches. The body undergoes a tremendous change due to shifting of hormones. The skin changes, there are stretch marks and dark patches on the facial skin. Weight gain results in sleeping troubles, poor digestion, frequent urination, constipation etc. These are just a few symptoms of pregnancy. Since these changes take place gradually, one starts adjusting to them in anticipation of the joy it will bring after nine months. It is very important to maintain the pregnancy health and go through the process with a relaxed and happy state of mind.

Maintaining Pregnancy Health

With the onset of early signs of pregnancy, prepare yourself for the new changes in your life. Stay happy and comfortable. Consult your doctor for any problems and adjust your lifestyle to surmount the initial irritating body changes with more rest and relaxation. Follow a few tips for better pregnancy health. Tender breasts: Wear a soft, comfortable maternity or nursing bra with extra support. Apply heavy moisturizing cream to cracked nipples after washing with water only.

Dizziness: Expanding uterus puts pressure on blood vessels, plus the nausea and vomiting can make one feel dizzy or light headed. To overcome this problem, maintain pregnancy health with frequent but small meals. Avoid standing or sitting in one position for long, lay down on your left side to relax, stand up slowly and do not let your body get over heated.

Hemorrhoids: They too are caused due to increasing pressure on the rectal veins and constipation. To prevent hemorrhoids drink lots of fluids, take fiber rich food and do not strain the bowel while evacuating. Leg cramps: As the body weight increases and change in metabolization takes place, the pressure on legs and feet increases. Eat low-fat calcium rich food, go for short walks, stretch and flex leg and foot muscles, use heating pads to ease the leg cramps.

Swelling: A significant weight gain during pregnancy can result in swelling and puffiness. It could be a sign of high blood pressure or toxemia, consult the doctor immediately. To avoid swelling and to maintain a good pregnancy health, avoid salty foods and caffeine. Rest with your feet elevated and drink at least eight glasses of water to keep your body hydrated.

Teeth and gum problems: Maintain good oral hygiene by brushing your teeth regularly; avoid eating sweets and take high calcium diet. Oral bacteria due to gum disease can harm the fetus and result in either low-birth weight baby or premature delivery.

Similarly take all natural preventive measures to combat the various other changes in the body due to the pregnancy. Feel free to call your doctor in an event of vaginal discharge, bleeding, fever or chills, pain in abdomen or any abnormal discomfort. Good pregnancy health results in a happier you and healthier baby.

About the Author
Apurva Shree is the online editor of free pregnancy information resource She has developed this site to provide valuable information on early pregnancy symptoms and useful methods to enjoy your pregnancy period and the ways in which you welcome your new world of motherhood. Early Sign of Pregnancy
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How Do You Get Rid of Stretch Marks

by Riri Shandra

How do you get rid of stretch marks? Stretch marks are one the most problem in women body, they can be a frustrating problem for people who have them. So understanding what stretch marks are can help you to get rid of them.

Stretch marks are called striae in dermatology. They are a form of scarring on the skin with a silvery white hue. Stretch marks are caused by overstretching of the skin, which changes in the elastic supportive tissue that lies just beneath the skin and disrupts the normal production of collagen, causing a scar.

Stretch marks can appear anywhere on the body also women and men can get stretch marks. They are most likely to appear in places where fat is stored, or that have a tendency to stretch. Most common areas of the bodies including the abdomen area, thighs, breasts, upper arms, underarms, hips, and buttocks or lower back.

Stretch marks are often the result of stretching the skin in pregnancy, obesity, bodybuilding, puberty, and intense physical activity. They often start as pink, reddish, purple, or dark brown, then later become fade than the surrounding skin depending on your skin color, although they never totally disappear, they do not compromise the body's ability to function normally and repair itself.

How do you get rid of stretch marks? Here are some tips to get rid of stretch marks:

- The sustained stretching on the abdomen as a result of pregnancy usually means stretch marks may appear during the sixth or seventh month. If you are pregnant and concerned with stretch mark consult to your doctor that you want to begin preventative treatment before your stomach starts growing. Often, your doctor can recommend creams.

- Using oils or creams in high-risk areas may help prevent your skin become firmer and more supple, more flexibility and reduce the appearance of some surface stretch marks. The sooner they are treated, the more success that treatment will be.

- Drink plenty of water, so this will maintain you healthty skin and keeps your skin soft.

- Avoid or decrease your intake of caffeinated drink such as coffee, tea or soda because it can increase your risk of stretch marks.

- A healthy diet rich in vitamins A, C, D, E, high in zinc, foods that contain essential fatty acids and protein will also help in preventing stretch marks. Add in your foods or take supplements in addition to your diet.

- Laser treatments can help restore the skin's elasticity and also change the pigmentation so the stretch marks better match the rest of your skin. Off course the price is very expensive too, into the thousands of dollars when there is a large treatment area.

The best thing you should do is always try to prevent stretch marks before they happen to you, because if stretch marks have damaged to the deep fibers of the skin is difficult and sometimes impossible to repair.

(c)How Do You Get Rid Of Stretch Marks!

About the Author
Do you know if stretch marks have damaged to the deep fibers of the skin is difficult and sometimes impossible to repair? Find out exactly how to prevent stretch marks before they happen to you? And what is the best way you can do if they happen to you now? Click Here: How Do You Get Rid Of Stretch Marks!
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