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Saturday, February 03, 2007

Pregnancy Stretch Mark Prevention

Pregnancy Stretch Mark Prevention
by AJ Stamp

There's nothing like stretch marks to ruin the joy of pregnancy! You've seen the pictures of a woman's pregnant belly, smooth, no scars, and then you look at your own, and it's a maze of red scars.

And that's not all the bad news. During pregnancy, you can get stretch marks on any part of your body that's gaining weight - and when you're pregnant, that's just about everywhere! At this point, you'd give about anything to know pregnancy stretch mark prevention tips.

Stretch marks happen when your skin is stretched to the point where it is no longer elastic. These tears can be bright red or faint in color, and may fade over time.

Are stretch marks inevitable? If your mother got them when she was pregnant, you may have an idea of what to expect in your own pregnancy. While it may be a certainty, there are things you can do to help reduce the amount you get during pregnancy.

Pregnancy stretch mark prevention starts with drinking plenty of water. Not only do you need water for a healthy pregnancy, your skin needs it to stay hydrated. When your skin is properly hydrated, it is much more elastic, and can stretch easier when your gaining baby weight. This can result in fewer instances of stretch marks.

Use plenty of moisturizer after you shower for pregnancy stretch mark prevention. Moisturizer will help to keep your skin elastic, smooth, and supple.
While weight gain during pregnancy is inevitable, stretch marks don't have to be. Keep your skin healthy, hydrated, and moisturized, and you'll keep stretch marks to a minimum.

About the Author
For information on how to naturally get rid of existing stretch marks, visit Get Rid of Stretch Marks.
remove stretch marks with revitol Stretch Mark Prevention

Tips for How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks

Tips for How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks
by Morgan Hamilton

Do you know how to get rid of stretch marks? This is probably one of the most difficult questions to answer. You can get a lot of opinion from those who claim to know how to get rid of stretch marks, but there is no guarantee that any of them will work. We all dread and hate this naturally occurring affliction known as stretch marks.

You can easily acquire this undesirable marks, but getting rid of them whole different story. These marks seem to be more prevalent in women. Of course, it probably bothers them a lot more than it would a man. Our society's focus on women and their beauty amplifies women's dread of stretch marks. In our contemporary society, there is a lot of pressure on women to look nice and acceptable.

Do you know the origin of stretch marks? They occur when the exterior tissue or skin of the human body is stretched. Women suffer from stretch marks a lot more often than men because they experience a lot of stretching during pregnancy. In order to accommodate the infant, a woman's stomach area and breasts are stretched. The problem is that the mother is left with unsightly stretch marks once the baby is born. Of course, this situation leaves them wondering about how to get rid of stretch marks quickly.

In the current market, a lot of fancy creams and gels that claim that they can get rid of stretch marks. However, people can't seem to get the desired results, even after months of using these products. My wife consulted our family doctor and asked how to get rid of stretch marks after she got fed up with using these useless and expensive products.

The doctor informed her that only a surgical procedure can effectively banish her stretch marks. They have to be physically removed by a professional surgeon. This means that getting rid of these unattractive marks depends on the person's desire to banish them.

There are also other people who are interested in knowing how to get rid of stretch marks apart from mothers. Those who have lost massive amounts of weight and bodybuilders also have stretch marks concerns. If you want to get rid of your stretch marks, then you should consult a professional. You can also research on how to get rid of stretch marks and the procedures involved on the World-Wide-Web.

About the Author
Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks. Visit our site for more helpful information about How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks and other similar topics.
remove stretch marks with revitol Stretch Mark Prevention

Fade Existing Stretch Marks The Natural Way

Fade Existing Stretch Marks The Natural Way
by AJ Stamp

Nearly everyone may be afflicted with stretch marks at some point in their lives. Teenagers get them while going through puberty, women get them while pregnant, and people losing or gaining weight can get them. And, they show up everywhere. Anywhere on your body that can gain or lose weight can get stretch marks.

Stretch marks are tears in the skin. They are ugly and can be bright red in color. Most people will try anything and search everywhere for a cure for stretch marks. But, the truth is, there isn't much that can be done besides helping to fade existing stretch marks and preventing future stretch marks. Scars are permanent.

There are a lot of expensive creams that promise to get rid of stretch marks. Do you really need to spend all that money? Homemade natural treatments are available, and can also fade existing stretch marks. Here's a few options available:

1) Try making a paste out of pure sandalwood powder mixed with turmeric powder and milk. Leave on the affected area until it dries, and then rinse.

2) Rubbing pure aloe vera gel into your scars can help with fading. Instead of buying bottles, try growing your own aloe vera plant to save money.

3) Break open a Vitamin E capsule and apply this to your stretch marks everyday.

4) Use cocoa butter. It smells great and is a great body lotion.

If you do a little research, you can find more homemade stretch mark treatments that won't break the bank. With a little patience, you can fade existing stretch marks so that they are barely noticeable.

About the Author
Are you looking for ways to get rid of your stretch marks? Visit Get Rid of Stretch Marks for more information.
remove stretch marks with revitol Stretch Mark Prevention