Stretch Marks Skin Care Products

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remove stretch marks with revitol

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

How to Prevent Pregnancy Stretch Marks

How to Prevent Pregnancy Stretch Marks
by Frank J Jones

Most pregnant women will at sometime during their pregnancy think about the possibility of getting stretch marks on what they can do to prevent them.

Stretch marks occur during pregnancy because the body rapidly expands from its normal size, usually later on in the term and the most commonly effected areas are the lower abdomen, breasts, hips and buttocks. Our skin is highly elastic and can safely stretch to accommodate the majority of changes life throws at us, however, the rapid change in pregnancy is too much unless we help!

There are several key steps you can take to assist the body at preventing pregnancy stretch marks. The first few tips I will share are very important, after reading them you will think it is common sense, but unless reminded many will forget the basics.


Keep your body well hydrated by drinking 6-8 glasses of water each day. This will aid the skin in maintaining its moisture. Dry and itchy skin is not pleasant and will be more susceptible to tearing and causing stretch marks.


Maintaining a well balanced diet will assist your pregnancy in many ways. The nutrients will help feed the baby's development as well as keeping your own body full of goodness. (Cravings are natural so don't worry!). Foods containing "fatty acids" are a good source of vitamins for the skin.

Gentle toning exercises

Improving muscle tone and reducing body fat will help prevent pregnancy stretch marks. The stronger muscle around the common areas will be supple and have increased elasticity and therefore will be able to stretch more without tearing.

In addition to the suggestions above, there are stretch mark creams and lotions available. There are literally hundreds of products available to assist in removing or to prevent stretch marks.

By massaging these creams into your skin you benefit two times! Firstly you can pamper yourself by slowly massaging your body, always a good thing while your body is expanding and aching. Second and most importantly, the skin is being massaged and this improves the circulation and revitalises your skin. The vitamins and natural herbs in the creams are being absorbed into your skin increasing your protection.

In conclusion, stretch marks will always be around, how much is up to you! By following the general tips above, your doctors recommended weight gain target and the use of an effective cream you can at least say you gave your body the best chance.

About the Author
Using the right pregnancy stretch mark prevention cream is essential. Click STRECTH MARK CREAM REVIEWS to discover reviews of the top pregnancy stretch mark creams on the market and start protecting your skin today.

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remove stretch marks with revitol Stretch Mark Prevention

Eliminate Stretch Marks From Pregnancy

How To Eliminate Stretch Marks From Pregnancy
by Pat Ross

You can prevent and remove stretch marks; this article will tell you how. Having a baby was probably one of the most unique experiences of your life. However, now that your bundle of joy is here, if you are anything like I was, you probably want to know how to get rid of those ugly stretch marks. You can remove stretch marks. But, before I tell you how you can, you need to know how you get them so you can prevent them in the future.

What Are Stretch Marks and Where Do Stretch Marks Come From?
Stretch marks or striae, are a form of scarring on the skin with a silvery white hue. Stretch marks can appear anywhere on the body; and during pregnancy are likely to occur along the side of your stomach, the bottom of your belly, the upper portion of your chest, the center of your thighs, and circumference of your posterior. Generally, stretch marks appear in places where larger amounts of fat are stored. Although, stretch marks are associated with people who tend to be overeaters and obese, stretch marks can be the result of a variety of things. Pregnancy, bodybuilding, weight loss, puberty, and intense physical activity can lead to stretch marks. Stretch marks actually develop when an increased level of circulating glucocorticoids enter the bloodstream. This hormone, which is secreted by the adrenal glands, becomes elevated during pregnancy, intense exercise, and puberty, causing stretch marks to appear. But, you can go through all these life events, and even stretch your skin without getting stretch marks. How? Well, it's as simple as 1-2-3.

How Can I Prevent Stretch Marks During Pregnancy? Ladies, have I got the solution for you! Believe me, with just a little self-maintence, your skin will become tighter, brighter,and more brillant than before you became pregnant. The secret to preventing stretch marks during pregnancy is to ensure that your skin remains elastic and moisturized. In order to do this, you need to lotion or moisturize your belly, legs, and arms at least twice per day. If you have difficulty doing this, because of the extra baby weight, then get assistance from your sigficant other, mother, or friend.

Although, there are several lotions and creams on the market, such Palmer's and Strivectin, I would avoid these. They contain primarily artificial ingredients, alcohol, and a little bit of Cocoa Butter or Emu Oil. This is simply not enough to prevent or remove stretch marks. You need several natural oils, butters, scar-heaing ingredients, and essential oils to attack these marks. I recommend a product that is not found in stores for all you mothers. Beauty 4 Ashes' Christian Health & Beauty Company makes fabulous all-natural stretch mark products at a fraction of the cost of Strivectin. Moreover, this product is far more powerful than Strivectin because it is all-natural and does not contain artificial ingredients had counteract the effectiveness of Emu Oil by drying the skin. Trust me, I have tried everything, and after 5 kids, I know what works. Beauty 4 Ashes stretch mark creams, oils, and butters contain skin-firming, collagen rebuilding, and elasticity strengthening essential oils, vitamins, and proteins. Zenmed Stretta stretch mark products will fade your current stretch marks into oblivian and prevent any future stretch marks from forming. Plus, these creams have an added bonus, they tighten cellulite and tone the skin. Honestly, these creams are far better than anything I found in the store. These creams and oils were created to penetrate below your outer dermis and infuse areas where stretch marks are directly forming. Check the ingredients and products out for yourself. Even do research. The main ingredient in their creams are Aloe Vera, Vitamin E, Jojoba oil, and stretch mark reducing essential oils. Their website address is

As with all things, the best products are often the hardest to find, because they are less marketed, due to their effectiveness. Hopefully, I can save you from wasting a lot of time and money on those nasty stretch marks.

And remember, to prevent stretch marks, you need to keep your skin infused with rich nutrients, vitamins, and moisture. Do not forget to maintain a healthy diet and drink plenty of water. Keep lotioning!

About the Author
Pat Ross is an E-Self Improvement Columnist and Educator with over 26 years of experience researching natural and organic health care and remedies. She grew up in Green Bay, Wisconsin and currently resides in Asheville, Tennessee. Pat frequently speaks at international and national conferences and events on effective skin care and holistic self-improvement. Pat has won several awards and is working on her fourth book.

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remove stretch marks with revitol Stretch Mark Prevention

How To Get Rid of Stretch Marks After Weight Loss

How To Get Rid of Stretch Marks After Weight Loss
by Pat Ross

Do you passionately want to eliminate your stretch marks? Well, if you follow the steps outlined in this article, you can. Regardless, of whether your stretch marks are the results of losing an excesive amount of weight, body building, pregnancy, or putting on a few extra pounds, it is possibe to drastically reduce, if not totally eliminate, those dreadful stretch marks on your body. The key to preventing and eliminating stretch marks is constantly maintaining your skin's elasticity by infusing it with moisture. If you have not moisturized your skin the best over several years, or maybe even months, you may observed that more stretch marks are appearing. Not to worry, I will teach you how to eliminate those stretch marks. Restoring your skin back to health is not a difficult task, but it will take patience and persistance on your part. Before we tackle the topic of how to eliminate stretch marks, it is equally as important to define what stretch marks are and where they come from.

What Are Stretch Marks and Where Do Stretch Marks Come From? Stretch marks or striae, are a form of scarring on the skin with a silvery white hue. Stretch marks can appear anywhere on the body, along the side of your stomach, the bottom of your belly, the upper portion of your chest, the center of your thighs, and circumference of your posterior. Generally, stretch marks appear in places where larger amounts of fat are stored. Although, stretch marks are associated with people who tend to be overeaters and obese, stretch marks can be the result of a variety of things. Pregnancy, bodybuilding, weight loss, puberty, and intense physical activity can lead to stretch marks. Stretch marks actually develop when an increased level of circulating glucocorticoids enter the bloodstream. This hormone, which is secreted by the adrenal glands, becomes elevated during pregnancy, intense exercise, and puberty, causing stretch marks to appear. But, you can go through all these life events, and even stretch your skin without getting stretch marks. How? Well, it's as simple as 1-2-3.

How Can I Eliminate Stretch Marks? With a little self-maintanence, you can restore your skin's elasticity. By following the steps bellow your skin wll be tighter, brighter,and more brillant than before.

Step 1: Drink 8-10 glasses of water per day: The first step to begin eliminating stretch marks is to work from the inside out. Drinking a sufficient amount of water is critical, because it ensures your body and tissues are properly hydrated. It also removes toxins from your body.

Step 2: Consume a Healthy Diet: By eating foods rich in essential fatty acids, such as fish, and protein and citrus rich foods like fruits, nuts and vegetables, your skin will become tighter, softer, and healthier everyday.

Step 3: The Stretch Mark Eliminating Secret: Keep your skin moisturized with vitamins and essential oils. Although, there are several lotions and creams on the market, such Palmer's and Strivectin, I would avoid these. They contain primarily artificial ingredients, alcohol, and a little bit of Cocoa Butter or Emu Oil. This is simply not enough to prevent or remove stretch marks. You need several natural oils, butters, scar-heaing ingredients, and essential oils to attack these marks. I recommend a product that is not found in stores. Beauty 4 Ashes' Christian Health & Beauty Company makes fabulous all-natural stretch mark products at a fraction of the cost of Strivectin. Moreover, this product is far more powerful than Strivectin because it is all-natural and does not contain artificial ingredients had counteract the effectiveness of Emu Oil by drying the skin. Trust me, I have tried everything, and after 5 kids, I know what works. Beauty 4 Ashes stretch mark creams, oils, and butters contain skin-firming, collagen rebuilding, and elasticity strengthening essential oils, vitamins, and proteins. Their stretch mark products will fade your current stretch marks into oblivian and prevent any future stretch marks from forming. Plus, these creams have an added bonus, they tighten cellulite and tone the skin. Honestly, these creams are far better than anything I found in the store. These creams and oils were created to penetrate below your outer dermis and infuse areas where stretch marks are directly forming. Check the ingredients and products out for yourself. Even do research. The main ingredient in their creams are Aloe Vera, Vitamin E, Jojoba oil, and stretch mark reducing essential oils. Their website address is

As with all things, the best products are often the hardest to find, because they are less marketed, due to their effectiveness. Hopefully, I can save you from wasting a lot of time and money on those nasty stretch marks.

And remember, to prevent stretch marks, you need to keep your skin infused with rich nutrients, vitamins, and moisture. Do not forget to maintain a healthy diet and drink plenty of water. Keep lotioning!

About the Author
Pat Ross is an E-Self Improvement Columnist and Educator with over 26 years of experience researching natural and organic health care and remedies. She grew up in Green Bay, Wisconsin and currently resides in Asheville, Tennessee. Pat frequently speaks at international and national conferences and events on effective skin care and holistic self-improvement. Pat has won several awards and is working on her fourth book.

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remove stretch marks with revitol Stretch Mark Prevention

Top 3 Ways To Eliminate Stretch Marks

Top 3 Ways To Eliminate Stretch Marks

by Pat Ross
Do you passionately want to eliminate your stretch marks? Well, if you follow the steps outlined in this article, you can. Regardless, of whether your stretch marks are the results of losing an excesive amount of weight, body building, pregnancy, or putting on a few extra pounds, it is possibe to drastically reduce, if not totally eliminate, those dreadful stretch marks on your body. The key to preventing and eliminating stretch marks is constantly maintaining your skin's elasticity by infusing it with moisture. If you have not moisturized your skin the best over several years, or maybe even months, you may observed that more stretch marks are appearing. Not to worry, I will teach you how to eliminate those stretch marks. Restoring your skin back to health is not a difficult task, but it will take patience and persistance on your part. Before we tackle the topic of how to eliminate stretch marks, it is equally as important to define what stretch marks are and where they come from.
What Are Stretch Marks and Where Do Stretch Marks Come From? Stretch marks or striae, are a form of scarring on the skin with a silvery white hue. Stretch marks can appear anywhere on the body, along the side of your stomach, the bottom of your belly, the upper portion of your chest, the center of your thighs, and circumference of your posterior. Generally, stretch marks appear in places where larger amounts of fat are stored. Although, stretch marks are associated with people who tend to be overeaters and obese, stretch marks can be the result of a variety of things. Pregnancy, bodybuilding, weight loss, puberty, and intense physical activity can lead to stretch marks. Stretch marks actually develop when an increased level of circulating glucocorticoids enter the bloodstream. This hormone, which is secreted by the adrenal glands, becomes elevated during pregnancy, intense exercise, and puberty, causing stretch marks to appear. But, you can go through all these life events, and even stretch your skin without getting stretch marks. How? Well, it's as simple as 1-2-3.
How Can I Eliminate Stretch Marks? With a little self-maintanence, you can restore your skin's elasticity. By following the steps bellow your skin wll be tighter, brighter,and more brillant than before.
Step 1: Drink 8-10 glasses of water per day: The first step to begin eliminating stretch marks is to work from the inside out. Drinking a sufficient amount of water is critical, because it ensures your body and tissues are properly hydrated. It also removes toxins from your body.
Step 2: Consume a Healthy Diet: By eating foods rich in essential fatty acids, such as fish, and protein and citrus rich foods like fruits, nuts and vegetables, your skin will become tighter, softer, and healthier everyday.
Step 3: The Stretch Mark Eliminating Secret: Keep your skin moisturized with vitamins and essential oils. Although, there are several lotions and creams on the market, such Palmer's and Strivectin, I would avoid these. They contain primarily artificial ingredients, alcohol, and a little bit of Cocoa Butter or Emu Oil. This is simply not enough to prevent or remove stretch marks. You need several natural oils, butters, scar-heaing ingredients, and essential oils to attack these marks. I recommend a product that is not found in stores. Beauty 4 Ashes' Christian Health & Beauty Company makes fabulous all-natural stretch mark products at a fraction of the cost of Strivectin. Moreover, this product is far more powerful than Strivectin because it is all-natural and does not contain artificial ingredients had counteract the effectiveness of Emu Oil by drying the skin. Trust me, I have tried everything, and after 5 kids, I know what works. Beauty 4 Ashes stretch mark creams, oils, and butters contain skin-firming, collagen rebuilding, and elasticity strengthening essential oils, vitamins, and proteins. Their stretch mark products will fade your current stretch marks into oblivian and prevent any future stretch marks from forming. Plus, these creams have an added bonus, they tighten cellulite and tone the skin. Honestly, these creams are far better than anything I found in the store. These creams and oils were created to penetrate below your outer dermis and infuse areas where stretch marks are directly forming. Check the ingredients and products out for yourself. Even do research. The main ingredient in their creams are Aloe Vera, Vitamin E, Jojoba oil, and stretch mark reducing essential oils. Their website address is
As with all things, the best products are often the hardest to find, because they are less marketed, due to their effectiveness. Hopefully, I can save you from wasting a lot of time and money on those nasty stretch marks.
And remember, to prevent stretch marks, you need to keep your skin infused with rich nutrients, vitamins, and moisture. Do not forget to maintain a healthy diet and drink plenty of water. Keep lotioning!
About the Author
Pat Ross is an E-Self Improvement Columnist and Educator with over 26 years of experience researching natural and organic health care and remedies. She grew up in Green Bay, Wisconsin and currently resides in Asheville, Tennessee. Pat frequently speaks at international and national conferences and events on effective skin care and holistic self-improvement. Pat has won several awards and is working on her fourth book.

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remove stretch marks with revitol Stretch Mark Prevention