How to Prevent Pregnancy Stretch Marks

How to Prevent Pregnancy Stretch Marks
by Frank J Jones
Most pregnant women will at sometime during their pregnancy think about the possibility of getting stretch marks on what they can do to prevent them.
Stretch marks occur during pregnancy because the body rapidly expands from its normal size, usually later on in the term and the most commonly effected areas are the lower abdomen, breasts, hips and buttocks. Our skin is highly elastic and can safely stretch to accommodate the majority of changes life throws at us, however, the rapid change in pregnancy is too much unless we help!

There are several key steps you can take to assist the body at preventing pregnancy stretch marks. The first few tips I will share are very important, after reading them you will think it is common sense, but unless reminded many will forget the basics.
Keep your body well hydrated by drinking 6-8 glasses of water each day. This will aid the skin in maintaining its moisture. Dry and itchy skin is not pleasant and will be more susceptible to tearing and causing stretch marks.
Maintaining a well balanced diet will assist your pregnancy in many ways. The nutrients will help feed the baby's development as well as keeping your own body full of goodness. (Cravings are natural so don't worry!). Foods containing "fatty acids" are a good source of vitamins for the skin.
Gentle toning exercises
Improving muscle tone and reducing body fat will help prevent pregnancy stretch marks. The stronger muscle around the common areas will be supple and have increased elasticity and therefore will be able to stretch more without tearing.
In addition to the suggestions above, there are stretch mark creams and lotions available. There are literally hundreds of products available to assist in removing or to prevent stretch marks.
By massaging these creams into your skin you benefit two times! Firstly you can pamper yourself by slowly massaging your body, always a good thing while your body is expanding and aching. Second and most importantly, the skin is being massaged and this improves the circulation and revitalises your skin. The vitamins and natural herbs in the creams are being absorbed into your skin increasing your protection.
In conclusion, stretch marks will always be around, how much is up to you! By following the general tips above, your doctors recommended weight gain target and the use of an effective cream you can at least say you gave your body the best chance.

About the Author
Using the right pregnancy stretch mark prevention cream is essential. Click STRECTH MARK CREAM REVIEWS to discover reviews of the top pregnancy stretch mark creams on the market and start protecting your skin today.
Labels: eliminate your stretch marks, pregnancy stretch marks, prevent and remove stretch marks, stretta, Top 3 Ways To Eliminate Stretch Marks