All About Stretch Marks

All About Stretch Marks
by Jean Pardue
Do you really, I mean really enjoy grooming? We have to do it everyday. By the time you are done getting ready for the day it's just about over. Personal grooming takes so much time but I guess we all feel it's worth the trouble or we wouldn't tackle it every morning.
Does perfection equal acceptance?
Do we really believe the world will accept us if we look perfect? If you really think about it vanity is just that. It is so shallow I am ashamed to even mention it.
But, even though we realize that applying makeup and fixing our hair is only going to last a short while, we still do it so we don't look like cave women!
Stretch marks are a good example. A common affliction for many women and despised by all. They may be from losing weight, gaining weight, bodybuilding, or having a child but stretch marks are rather common. Even so, it seems every woman is embarrassed by them. Yes indeed! It is all about stretch marks, ladies.
What causes stretch marks? Stretch marks may be caused by something as simple as your body trying to adapt to a new situation. A woman's body sometimes undergoes sudden or unanticipated changes. These changes cause atrocious stretch marks.
Something every woman should know about stretch marks
Stretch marks seem impossible to deal with. You can't just throw them away. Just listen to my own story. Now that I have had a child, I inescapably have to deal with stretch marks around my breast area. But, this is completely normal if you breast feed your child.
It shouldn't be such a big issue and I try not to be a "Miss Perfect" but I am not at ease with the whole concept of having to look at those stretch marks every morning. Call me sensitive but I find myself constantly looking for new information online about stretch marks.
Modern medicine may be one possible solution All in all I would like to be rid of those scars for life. With the advances in modern medicine I will stay on the lookout for doctors and specialists who have developed new ways to treat these unappealing issues such as stretch marks.
Cream, lotions and magic potions for stretch marks
Some possible "cures" to consider are lotions and creams. The more extreme measures may include surgery. There may come a day when stretch marks are a thing of the past. Maybe a simple cream will be invented to totally eliminate them. Are you a mother with five kids, who wrestles every day with the affliction of stretch marks? Do you feel like you cannot deal with them any longer?
Well, maybe it's time for you to do something about these silvery lines appearing on your abdomen, thighs or breasts . Have you spoken with your family physician? By checking with your doctor you will learn more about stretch marks and some alternative treatments.
Or, maybe you would rather try your luck on the Internet. You will find lots of helpful information online and learn verbatim all about stretch marks and advanced treatments. Now, get started before you take out the bikini.
About the Author
Jean Pardue is a freelance web content writer and can be contacted at . She works with her husband, Bob Pardue, who is a stock photographer.
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